In some cases, letting yourself be contaminated is good.

Contamination, sharing of experiences and knowledge is one of the most stimulating methods to train and, at the same time, to train.

Barcamp is a high-level format that involves the HR of leading companies on the market, creates synergies and promotes cross fertilization and the most current open knowledge methodologies. In an international and exclusive context, the participants are accompanied in a path of “exponential thinking” where, thanks to the suggestions of the “OpenMind” methodology, moments of “visioning” are mixed, through the analysis of future trends, with moments of trials and practical simulations.

Barcamp consists of four main phases. In the first HRC and the HR Directors set the objectives and with which companies they want to compare. In the second HRC will proceed to the design, meeting the business contacts indicated by the HR Director as responsible for a topic. The third phase is the operational phase, which is published in two days, in which the participants are divided into mini groups and will work by thematic areas, and then meet in some plenary moments. The fourth and last phase is that of gathering and sharing the results, and the synthesis of the “as is”, the “to be” and the open questions of each thematic classroom will be re-elaborated and shared in a streamlined and comparable format.

Barcamp is much more than an exchange of knowledge: it is a real laboratory that generates ideas and solutions, which facilitates the identification and sharing of best practices and innovative and effective procedures.


HR Team Barcamp by HRC Group
Intervista doppia G. L. Perin – G. Stratta, HR Team Barcamp by HRC Group
Double interview G. L. Perin – G. Stratta, HR Team Barcamp by HRC Group
HR Team Barcamp by HRC Group