When the family widens, we broaden the views.

It has never been easy to reconcile work with the family and mothers know it better than their dads. In fact, despite the fact that, over the years, men are increasingly committed to sharing family management, they are still quite far from the performances of their wives and companions. All this, however, should not affect the life of the woman in the company and her work performance. Fortunately, today there are increasing “enlightened” companies that understand how fundamental it is, that the career opportunities of their employees are the same as those of their male colleagues and they do not give up focusing on strategic and important professional skills.

Parents who work is a training project created to promote an inclusive culture within the company and to see parenting as an added value. It is addressed to new mothers and new fathers present in the company and their managers.

The training takes place in three meetings: one before the birth and two afterwards, where the themes of parenting will be addressed at 360 ° involving experts from different fields: psychologists, experts in labor law, health professionals.

The goal is to provide parents and their employers with the most appropriate and effective tools to better manage the new arrival, protecting their serenity within the companies in which they work and maintaining and improving their business performance.

Thus, the happy event will be happy for everyone.